Fallout4 - Textures3.ba2 (corrupted file) , can anyone help me because everything in the game is purple?
Welcome to the german Fallout Forum
First things first: Do you have a physical Disk for Fallout 4 or on Steam/GoG?
If you have it on Steam, try to repair your files.
If you are missing textures or other content in game or experiencing crashing while playing a game, you can have Steam verify that the game's files are installed correctly on the computer.
- Restart your computer and launch Steam
- Next, you can either right click the game in your Library, or click the gear icon from the game's Library page on the far right
- From the drop down menu, select Properties...
- Select the Installed Files tab and click the Verify integrity of game files button
And if that doesn't work, try to reinstall your Fallout 4. After that, you should be able to play again normally.
okay, so you don't have a real Steam copy. Then try to reinstall Fallout 4 and the problem should go away.
It can happen sometimes that some Files for your game didn't install properly, or if you use texture mods, but i don't think that's the case.
So I actually tried something else , I extracted the game using 7ZIP instead on WINRAR and launched the launcher as an administrator then made the game windowed and it worked
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